The Boring Bash Bish Trip
Before I move to college in a few days, my mom decided to take my brother and I on one last hike as a family. We chose Bash Bish Falls in Massachusetts because of the riverbed close to the trail, the NY/Mass border, and the short-ish hike to the falls. A few years ago, I even left a letterbox a few yards off the trail. While I was glad to go back, it was, unfortunately, very different than in past visits; It was borderline disappointing. My family hasn't been back to Bash Bish since before the pandemic. Before COVID, you were able to hang out in the riverbed, and get up close and personal with the falls themselves. However, since the start of the pandemic, the park staff has been increased, and the rules tightened. In order to keep people safe, and the park clean, the rangers enforce the "Stay on the Path" rule, so I was only able to snap a few photos off of the trail before I was caught, hahaha. I was really banking on taking some shots of the falls, but, it turns out th...